Great Article About MTCM 2018 By Flat Spoke Media
We have to thank Alan Grant of Flat Spoke Media, Singapore, for writing this wonderful article about this year's Masters Tour of Chiang Mai. Not only he shows understanding and explains the pre-race issues we were facing this year, but also…

MTCM 2018 Preview Stage 3
After some really tough races and exciting tight decisions in each category during today's circuit race, everybody is now looking forward to the Samoeng climb tomorrow.
Please note we added an intermediate sprint on the newly opened bit of…

MTCM 2018, Stage 2 Start Times
As previously announced the start times for the circuit race on October 14 is as follows:
08:00 hrs: Ladies Open + Ladies 35+, Masters 60+ (6 laps = 30 km)
09:30 hrs: Open A (10 laps = 50 k)
11:00 hrs: 40-49, 50-59 (8 laps = 40 km)

MTCM 2018 – Route Correction For New Stage 1
Please note that there is slight correction for the route of Masters Tour of Chiang Mai's stage 1: About 1 km after the KOM (km 29.4) you will now make a left and follow a small and winding road until reaching Highway 118. All the rest remains…

Cancellation Refund Policy
We would politely remind everyone of our cancellation & refund policy as published HERE...
Until September 30, 2018 you are entitled to a 50% refund in case you need to cancel your participation at the Masters Tour of Chiang Mai 2018. After…

Hotel Booking Now Officially Closed
The booking & direct payment option for the Kantary Hills Hotel Chiang Mai for MTCM 2018 is now closed
However, you may still reserve a room at the Kantary via our website and we will double check availabilities before getting back to you.